“Is one life worth more than another? Are six lives worth more than one? Do extreme situations justify sacrificing a person? What can be hidden behind a man who sacrifices himself to save others? Careful! All possible answers to these questions may be incorrect. As all can be correct. We must not rush into a verdict. And this show won’t do it either. But the spectator, on the way home, is free to think of an answer. Or maybe the day after the show … or another day. Every day. Because, beyond the story of a Transylvanian village under occupation during the war, it is our story today in which fear gives birth to hypocrisy and pettiness, panic dehumanizes … and power … power does what it usually does. A man wants to see his own funeral. To be attended by those who are waiting to die for them. And maybe now is the right time to laugh. Or to cry. But there is also a child there, a child who wants to tell the truth, a voice that if we do not listen, will condemn us all. Ipu’s death is Ipu’s life. And vice versa. ” – the playwright Daniel OlteanSocietatea Anonimă Română Petroşani construieşte în Colonia de Jos, înte anii 1923-1925, Cazinoul muncitoresc din Petroşani. Aici va funcţiona Teatrul Poporului, filiala Valea Jiului. Un an mai târziu, în 1949, titulatura oficială a instituţiei se schimbă în Teatrul de stat „Valea Jiului” Petroşani. În mai 1981, Teatrul de stat „Valea Jiului” se mută în actualul sediu. La 31 mai 1983, Teatrul de stat „Valea Jiului” inaugurează „noua” clădire, prezentând spectacolul cu care deschisese şi prima stagiune în 1948, „O scrisoare pierdută” de I. L. Caragiale, în regia lui Ion Simionescu. În 1991, Teatrul de stat „Valea Jiului” îşi schimbă titulatura în Teatrul Dramatic „Ion D. Sirbu” Petroşani, aşa cum este cunoscut astăzi. Acest teatru, cu un personal întinerit, găzduieşteşi oferă publicului din Petroşani un continuu dialog artistic şi o neaşeptată bucurie a spiritului.
The Romanian Public Limited Company Petroşani builds in the Lower Colony, between 1923-1925, the Workers’ Casino from Petroşani. The People’s Theater, Valea Jiului branch, will operate here. A year later, in 1949, the official title of the institution changed to the State Theater “Valea Jiului” Petroşani. In May 1981, the “Valea Jiului” State Theater moved to its current location. On May 31, 1983, the “Valea Jiului” State Theater inaugurated the “new” building, presenting the show with which it had opened its first season in 1948, “A Lost Letter” by I. L. Caragiale, directed by Ion Simionescu. In 1991, the State Theater “Valea Jiului” changed its title to the Dramatic Theater “Ion D. Sirbu” Petroşani, as it is known today. This theater, with a rejuvenated staff, hosts and offers the audience from Petroşani a continuous artistic dialogue and an unexpected joy of spirit.